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The official Underliving RINGTONES packages

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wolfempress's picture
Joined: 2006-12-18

Hi Pris, I love the ringtones, but some songs are missing like Feel the thrill...

I'm also having fun to imagine some song-lyrics /song-parts as a personal ringtone for me, because I constantly have to look for my cell phone. Don't worry, since I have no idea how to do it, I only imagine that

This would be good for me:

The beginning of one last hope (because the sound of the voices haunt me constanly anyway) and the lyrics up to 37 sec. would be a reminder that I still haven't found the cell phone and should not give up.

And the end of the song starting with the hold on little one (there is one last hope..) up to the .. if you stop looking, you will find it - though that be somewhat ironic and that fits to me, it's my kind of humour.

And the lines from Feel the thrill *I could howl to the moon* to 2nd *Feel the thrill*, because I feel I could howl to the moon sometimes... ;)  

Hector's picture
Joined: 2011-04-01

hehe.. I like the idea of "if you stop looking, you will find it " :)

yes.. not all songs have a ringtone... but maybe in the future we can do more. .. also from Ancient Shadows.

in the shadows...

Priscilla Hernandez
Priscilla Hernandez's picture
Joined: 2009-12-13

oh, hahaha

I totally missed the if you don't look it you will find it

actually the intro of one last hope is one ringtone, but I am not sure if it's in package 2

Priscilla Hernandez: singer/composer/instrumentalist/illustrator
Unfurl and live through the Long Way

Admin's picture
Joined: 2009-12-13

I forgot to mention that the ringtones are now only one option with all ringtones and notifications. Also you can set the price you want to pay for it. with a minimum of 0,50€ 

it was a bit complicated with package I, and package II :)