Visit to Barcelona and Halloween Steampunk-Vodoo-Witches Photo shoot

Sigh, back from a week visit to Barcelona... Oh my god, How I miss the city and my friends there...! It was not long enough and I'm already yearning to return. It's been a couple of years I moved to Navarra, Spain, and though the Nature and forests here and gorgeous, still I miss my former home-town too much.... Said that I want to thank to all the friends that had time to spend with me in this brief visit :). As one of the highlights my friend Vany Miranda kidnapped me into this Steampunk-Vodoo-Witchy photo shoot, very fitting for the forthcoming Halloween... SO MUCH FUN! as you can see in the pictures :)

It was really darker and different set for me, to play a witch among book of spells, poisons and even a crystal ball to foresee the future... :). But don't worry, I won't curse you if you're good with me :) ;-) Happy Halloween/Samhain/All Hallows´eve

Credits for all the pictures below:

Photographer: Alassie from El Costurero Real
Props by Felix Goggles and  Marc Zorrilla from Crisálida Creaciones
Models: me, Priscilla Hernandez (blonde) and Vany Miranda

Garments: Vany's by herself, all I'm wearing is from El Costurero Real

Taken at 274Km Studio (Barcelona, Spain)

As it is about witches I also share my cover of Come little Children from  Hocus Pocus

Last picture: our assistant Felix Goggles from Factoria Goggles.